Starting in September we will be doing a new Bible study in the Great Adventure series. We thought you all might want to have some say in how we proceed so we'd like you to consider three options and then vote on your favorite. You can vote by selecting your choice on the left side of our blog home page. Voting ends August 17th.
Adventures in Matthew: The King and His Kingdomwith Jeff Cavins
This is the recommended next step in the program. It is another 24-session series and would be great if you enjoyed our discussions on the parables and the fulfillment of the Kingdom.
According to the publisher:
Building directly on the foundation laid in
The Bible Timeline,
Step Two in
The Great Adventure Bible Study Series,
Matthew: The King and His Kingdom, shows how Jesus builds
on the foundation laid in the Old Testament to inaugurate
the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Experience how Jesus
relived the life and struggles of Israel to become the faithful
and victorious King, and see how the promises of the Old
Testament are fulfilled in Christ and his Apostles.
This series is an ideal follow-up study to the basic narrative of
Scripture taught in
The Bible Timeline course.
You will:
-See Jesus as the Son of David, the Son of Abraham, the new Moses, the true manna, the new Temple – and learn what this means for us today.
-Learn how Jesus reconstituted the struggling kingdom of Israel around Himself and brought it to a new level in the Kingdom of God, open to all people.
-Witness the seeds of the Church in the foundation Christ built on the twelve apostles, with Peter as His vicar. Discover the roots of the sacraments, and see how Jesus’ words and actions are reflected in the holy sacrifice of the Mass.
-Watch Jesus re-live the life and history of Israel as the obedient Son who trusts the Father to the very end, defeats death, hell, and the grave, and rises to new life.
Adventures in 1 Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Communitywith Dr. Tim Gray
This 10-session series explores the growth and struggles of the early Church. If you'd like to see someone else's name at the bottom of the screen for a while you might like this option.
According to the publisher:
In this DVD series Dr. Tim Gray provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians. Each 30 minute talk is designed to follow a lesson in the
First Corinthians Study Set.
First Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Community:
The conflicts of the early Christians in Corinth were in many ways similar to our struggles today as Christians. With divisions, immorality, persecution, and other trials of the faithful, the message of St. Paul to the Corinthians is a much-needed message for our own times.
First Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Community explores the key elements that the apostle Paul introduced to a new and growing Church. St. Paul taught the Corinthians about the nature of grace and the Church as the Body of Christ. In addition, he introduced the Corinthian Christians to the most powerful gift of all, the Eucharist.
Your Bible study group will:
-Learn the importance of Christian unity in relation to the Church as the Body of Christ.
-Explore St. Paul’s strategy for successful evangelization.
-See how to live a Christian life in the midst of a pagan culture.
-Discover why St. Paul sees the Church as the Body of Christ.
-Learn how St. Paul’s letter proves that the sacrifice of Christ is truly made present in the Eucharist.
-Gain a new vision for seeing the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Adventures in Exodus: Called to Freedomwith Dr. Tim Gray
We read Exodus a long time ago, but the sessions from the book were very fascinating. This 10-part series provides an opportunity to further Old Testament Biblical understanding and would be good if you're a new Gravity member.
According to the publisher:
In this DVD series Dr. Tim Gray provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the book of Exodus. Each 30 minute talk is designed to follow a lesson in the
Exodus Study Set.
Exodus: Called to Freedom:The Exodus can be viewed as the defining moment in Israel’s history, for it was then that God called Israel out of slavery in Egypt and to a life of freedom as His people.
Exodus: Called to Freedom looks through the lens of Christ and the Church to show that, more than just seeking to free His people from the domination of Pharaoh, God desired to free His people from the far more sinister tyranny of sin, so they could live the authentic freedom that belongs to children of God. Because of this, the Exodus story is not just Israel’s story, it is our story as well; it tells us who God is and what He calls us to be.
Your Bible study group will:
-Learn the keys to authentic freedom. Learn the personal significance of God’s revelation of His name, “I AM.”
-Discover the divine purpose behind the plagues on Egypt as more than simply a demonstration of God’s power.
-Understand the importance of the Sabbath to God’s people.
-Discover that God’s Law is in fact a reflection of God’s love and concern for His people.
-Learn how a proper understanding of the Exodus event can illuminate one’s understanding of the Christian Faith.