Tuesday, October 28, 2008

November Calendar

Hey everyone! Hope the week is treating people well.

Here's the Gravity calendar for the next few weeks.

Sunday, November 1
What: Volleyball/soccer
When: 5pm
Where: Holy Trinity

Monday, November 3
What: Rock Climbing
When: 7pm
Where: Sport Climbing Center (http://sportclimbcs.com/)

Thursday, November 6
What: Bible Study
When: 7pm
Where: Hope House

Friday, November 7
What: Spirit and Truth
When: 7pm
Where: Holy Trinity

Sunday, November 9
What: Volleyball/soccer
When: 5pm
Where: Holy Trinity

Tuesday, November 11
What: Potluck Dinner and Book Study - Matthew Kelley's "Rediscovering Catholicism"
When: 6:30
Where: Jonathan's house
NOTE!: We have free copies of the book! No need to buy them beforehand. Come and get your copy!

Wednesday, November 12
What: Theology on Tap
Who: Jim Beckman, "Walking the Talk: An Act of Faith"
When: 7pm (meet and socialize), 7:30 (talk)
Where: Jack Quinn's, 21 S. Tejon St., Colorado Springs

Sunday, November 16
What: Volleyball/soccer
When: 5pm
Where: Holy Trinity

Thursday, November 20
What: Bible Study
When: 7pm
Where: Hope House

Also going on around the area...

Friday, November 14
What: Spirit and Truth
When: 7pm
Where: Holy Trinity

Saturday, November 15
What: Vigil Praise
When: 7pm
Where: St. John Vianney Seminary, Denver (1300 S. Steele St.)

Friday, November 21
What: Spirit and Truth
When: 7pm
Where: Holy Trinity

Friday, November 21
What: Theology on Tap
Who: Fr. Kevin Augustyn, "How Christianity formed the Western World and how we're forgetting who we are"
When: 7:30pm
Where: Braun's Bar and Grill, 1055 Auraria Parkway, Denver

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We are a community of young adults between the ages of 18 and 35, who gather together for fellowship, social activities, and to grow in the truth of the Catholic Church through spiritual enrichment via bible study, apologetics, etc. The focus of our group is to challenge each other to lead Christ-centered lives in faithfulness, courage and service to others.